Tuesday, January 17, 2012

And the chief says......

My little Dove is a strange kid.  She says some of the oddest things at the most inappropriate times, and all you can do is either shake your head in absurdity or burst into laughter. We have begun calling her "Chief" because she has the mannerisms of a chief - in control, a bit egotistical, a leader, direct and sometimes a deep old voice.

I thought I would share some of her recent "chiefisms":

- Chief substitutes the word "breasts" for "marmots". No one knows why, it's just something she came up with.      So now there's a whole lot of marmot talk going on.  "grandma you have MARMOTS"  "mom look at that man - HE HAS MARMOTS", "auntie, you have marmots" (that one always pleases her modest teenage aunties).

- After meeting my new boyfriend:  "Mom, where is your other boyfriend?  Your boyfriend is allowed to stay the night. He can sleep on the couch". Thanks Chief for saying that in FRONT of new boyfriend. Keep in mind I have never let anyone sleep over and she had only met one previous boyfriend ONE TIME.

-  Shuck-a-la  - no explanation needed here.

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